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Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2008 5:54 pm
by duane
Mullon Creek Natural Farms NewsletterAbbrev.

Lots to talk about, but first
of all check your diary for
Saturday 25th October.
If you are free you might
want to join us for a really
fun and informative day.
Discover how simple it really is! Walter Kohler-Bond will teach you all you need to know to get started in
Bee keeping - naturally! From building hives to extracting honey without the use of antibiotics and other
chemicals. How to handle Bees, all you need to know about Bee Biology, wonderful Bee products,
the costs associated with setting up a hive and the financial returns you can generate. All in a one day
workshop designed for both the backyard honey harvester and the farmer wanting to add a new enterprise.
You’ll find more info and a registration form at the end of this letter.
Of course there’s been heaps of other stuff going on but I don’t want to keep you at the computer any longer
than I have to - and I wanna get out side and play! So I’ll try to keep it short...
Bee ... a little different
Bee ... a little ‘more’ self sufficient
Bee ... a Bee Keeper!
“following nature”
New egg labels: If you’re looking for our eggs (and you should be ‘cause they’re yummo) the labels
have changed so look for my cute little face! -
Make sure you keep your eye out for our new look cartons,
due to arrive in Harris Farm Markets ... soon!
MULLOON CREEK NATURAL FARMS . . . . .“following nature”
660g net
Each Egg Min.
Weight 55g
Genuine free ranging - all day on grass.
No chemicals, pesticides or herbicides used.
Fabulous diet of Biodynamic pasture and Organic grains.
Every bird living it’s own distinctiveness.
Take a farm tour with Jacko and see for yourself ...
Hand packed on farm - Kings Highway, Bungendore, N.S.W. Phone: 02 6238 1396 - Email:
Hey everyone ... Jacko here!
This is my first real newsletter - pretty exciting for a pooch
born in the back of a horse truck. If only they could see me
now ... head hound of all this beautiful land. With Cows
and Chooks and Horses and Sheep under my direction,
ahhh, me ma would be proud. Anyways enough about me ...
lets talk about my girlfriend - Georgie, isn’t she gorgeous!
We thought we were going to have pups bouncing around but
no luck ... this time. We’ve had lots of practice and we’re pretty
good at it now so paws crossed it works next time.
We have taken over a biological tree planting business called
Trees for Earth and Matt Kilby, the guy who developed the
system does all the work. Matt has moved down to MCNF
from Queensland and is about to start lots of planting on
Mulloon Creek ... so, soon there will be many, many, more
trees for me to raise my leg to! Good for keeping my joints
flexible as I get a little older. Seriously though, it’s a really
good system, designed to give every tree the best possible
start in life ... so that they live! If you’re like us who have
had so many tree plantings fail for one reason or another
you’ll probably also be interested in “Planting Pink” - why
pink? Ask Matt on 0418 654 231
or visit for more info.
New Black Chickens: Our Eggspert, Michael Summerlad recommended that we try a different
breed of chicken for our egg operation, you see, over the years, egg birds have been bred specifically to lay
eggs ... inside sheds! Because the majority of egg operations keep their birds inside and give them antibiotics
and yukky stuff, the chickens have evolved to be a bit weak when it comes
to living in the real world. These new little chicks (the official breed name
is “Bond Black”) are more “hardy” and more used to living outside, so even
though they’re funny looking things when they’re babies (Dad calls them
“little black blowflies” they should be a lot stronger and happier roaming
freely outdoors (each 1000 have a 20 acre paddock). We have 2 flocks out
for trial at the moment ... and so far ... so good! Did you know that we are
now up to an average of 10,000 hens at a time and we sold over 1 million
eggs this year ... we were impressed!
Horny cows: Devons actually, but I just call them horny because they
have horns! - Dad says that’s the natural way for a cow to be - horny, but
people have bred or cut the horns off of them to make it easier for people to
manage! Typical human behaviour, look after themselves first and don’t think
through the consequences to the animal. I thought I might have been scared
of them with those big horns but they actually seem quieter and calmer than
hornless (polled) cattle ... I guess they feel more secure with their horns. So
now we have black chooks instead of brown ... and brown cows instead of
black ... nothing stays the same around here for long!
Permaculture: We had a visit from Geoff Lawton and his wife Nadia and within a day we were
all saying “Yep we’ve got to do some of this stuff!” Well - me mostly because I’m the one who really
understands systems thinking - people get so caught up in the details, they forget the big picture, you
know ... can’t see the forest for the trees! But “I” being of simple mind got it immediately! Geoff and
Nadia have done some amazing projects all over the world, they have rebuilt villages in war affected
areas, greened up deserts in Jordan and now they wanna come and play with us and we are sooo excited.
I don’t know all that much about it yet, but I will once I’ve done the Permaculture Design Course,
(I’m gonna have to get it sorted out so that we run a course here at MCNF because I can’t leave the
farm to go all the way to “The Channon” where The Permaculture Research Institute that Geoff and
Nadia run is). We will be starting a permaculture project during this spring. Will keep you posted!
Learn more about Permaculture if your interested at
we provide everything you need, and
will do everything we can, to ensure
your tree plantings are successful -
buy the products and do it yourself, or
have our team come and do it all!
farm forestry
biological products
contract planting
educational field days
Concert: Don Burrows &
Kevin Hunt - We just had the
privilege of these two fabulous
musicians for a lunchtime
concert in the barn. Sorry we
couldn’t invite you all, but it
was mostly a family affair for
Dad & Mum’s birthday party.
BD500: In May (Autumn) we buried about 1100 cow horns (filled with cow poo) in the special way
that makes our amazing BD500. Soon it will be time for us to go back out and dig them up. We have to get
them out of the ground in Spring before it gets too warm and the plants start their growth spurts! Believe it
or not ... transformed cow poo is irresistibly delicious to plants and left alone ... they’d eat it all!
There’s probably 1000’s of other things I could tell you, but I kind of forget stuff because so much happens.
If there’s anything you want to ask me ... feel free - If I don’t know the answer I’ll try and find who does!
Many many happy tail wags and fond sniffs to you all!
Sometime in September 2008
packing ... placing ... burying ...
Natural Sequence Farming: For those of you who have witnessed Peter Andrews work on
The Mulloon Creek, it is now a healthy chain of ponds, banking and purifying water in the flood plane for
ourselves, our neighbours down stream and even the people in Sydney when it gets there, and ... I saw today
a platypus play under a beautiful willow tree!
Visitors: The creek has been getting
so much attention - we’ve had groups
of students (we even had a day with
30 Australian and 30 Indian university
students on a “sustainability tour”) we’ve
had officials of all shapes and sizes, soon
we have some important politicians
coming for a look. Oh, and best of all we
had a visit from The Governor General
and Mrs Jeffery, they were great fun!
Jacko Coote
Sending your registration...
POST: Mulloon Creek Natural Farms, Att: Donna
3585 Kings Highway, Bungendore, 2621
FAX: 6238 1901
Call Donna on 0413 535 957 if you have any questions
DATE: Saturday 25th October 2008. (8.45am - 5pm)