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A Sellout!

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 1:50 pm
by ColinJEly
A great new book! Contacted my usual bookshop where I got Back from the Brink, reply was 'Sorry we've sold out' Got a copy locally and read it over the weekend. Just a thought for the next book, as a 'city slicker' I wouldn't mind seeing some photos of 'before and after' of some properties, or how about an aerial view of a photo (nice and green ;-) ) surrounded by other 'unenlightened' properties.
Did we all see Four Corners last night about the MDBS? Disgracefull! All these farms with ploughed paddocks and not a blade of green to be seen!

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 10:13 pm
by duane
BTB was only released on October 3.

It is ALREADY No 3 in the ABC Books store in their TOP 10 BEST SELLERS!!!!

Great Advance

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:03 pm
by mondo45
I bought BTB on Saturday, and have read it (quickly) since. I thought that I would post up my first impressions.

BTB is an excellent supplement/expansion of/complement to BFTB. Peter goes into a lot more detail regarding specifics, and the reader can develop an even more authorative understanding of the processes that Peter discusses - how the problems have developed, and the particular solutions that can be implemented.

Peter paints a picture of a complex natural system, with key elements working together in a symbiotic fashion to develop a healthy and sustainable landscape. He discusses in detail the three elements to a healthy landscape - fertility, minerals and moisture - and shows how nature works to deliver these. He then shows how we can follow nature's lead to get these factors working together on our properties.

It is a compelling message. I intend to post more thoughts when I have re-read the book.

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 7:57 am
by duane
Hot off the Press

Beyond the Brink is at the #1 spot for ABC Books this week and sold 599 copies.

And Back from the Brink is now back up to position #8.

Two out of two books in the TOP 10 ABC top selling books.....great work EVERYONE who made this happen.....readers, editors, the ABC etc etc